Things to see and do
We are fortunate to have many exciting attractions close to us
Cornwall Speedway
- A short drive away, located at 16981 Cornwall Centre Road, Long Sault. Check this years schedule. Racing every Sunday at 7pm.
- 613 938 3945
- www.cornwallspeedway.com
Upper Canada Village
- Hwy # 2 Morrisburg East
- 1-800-437-2233/613-543-3704
- www.uppercanadavillage.com
Crysler Park Marina
- 13480 Hwy # 2 Morrisburg East
- 1-800-437-2233/613-543-2233
- www.cryslerparkmarina.com
Cannamore Orchard
- Cannamore, Ontario
- 613-448-3633
- www.spookywagonride.com
Prehistoric World
- Upper Canada Road, Morrisburg East
- 613-543-2503
Morrisburg Village Plaza
- B.I.A. Office, Morrisburg, Hwy# 2 and Hwy #31
- 613-543-4384
Upper Canada Golf Course
- 13745 Hwy #2 East, Morrisburg
- 613-543-2003
- www.uppercanadagolf.com
Upper Canada Playhouse
- Hwy #2 West, Morrisburg
- 613-543-3713
- www.uppercanadaplayhouse.com
Smyth’s Apple Orchards
- R.R. #1 Iroquois
- 613-652-2477
- Email: smyths@sympatico.ca
McMaze “Country Adventure”
- 17049 Willy Allan Road, St Andrews
- www.mcmaze.ca
- 613-932-7630
South Mountain Fair